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FOCACCIA con impasto 100% idratazione👨‍🍳👩‍🍳 croccante fuori e morbida dentro 🤤

Ingredienti impasto:

Farina 00 ( Caputo rossa) 300g

Acqua 300g

Sale 10g

Lievito 5g

Olio 30g


In planetaria aggiungete farina, sale, lievito sciolto in acqua e un filo d’olio.

Mescolate per 7 minuti.

Ricoprite l’impasto con pellicola a riposo per 12 h.

Vi consigliamo di fare delle pieghe di rinforzo dopo 2h e 2h prima di stenderla.

Dopo 12 h stendete l’impasto su una teglia ben oleata, aggiungete la salamoia di acqua, sale grosso e olio con un pennello e infine erbe aromatiche.

In forno a 230 gradi per circa 30 minuti.

Et volta 👩‍🍳👨‍🍳

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FOCACCIA with 100% hydration dough crunchy on the outside and soft on the inside 🤤

Dough ingredients:

00 flour (red Caputo) 300g

Water 300g

Salt 10g

Yeast 5g

Oil 30g


In a planetary mixer, add flour, salt, yeast dissolved in water and a drizzle of oil.

Mix for 5 minutes.

Cover the dough with film to rest for 12 hours.

We advise you to make reinforcement folds after 2h and 2h before spreading it.

After 12 hours, roll out the dough on a well oiled baking sheet, add the brine of water, coarse salt and oil with a brush and finally aromatic herbs.

In the oven at 230 degrees for about 30 minutes.

Et time 👩‍🍳👨‍🍳

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